Reflecting On One Year

Dear Tom,

It has been a year since we lost you, and yet your presence is still deeply felt. Sadness and confusion are in our grief, but these feelings quickly change to thoughts of your incredible generosity, unquestionable love for your family and friends, and your wonderful sense of humor. You continue to inspire us as memories of our time with you come to mind. We still feel your impact today, even though you are not here.


Tom & Fran McGowan
Tom & his father, Fran

Your family is your legacy and we can report that they are strong, healthy and motivated to live their lives to the fullest – well done Thomas! Just like you, they are incredible examples of love and faith.



Tom & Mary Wedding 1999
Tom & Mary’s wedding (1999)


On this year anniversary, we once again reflect on a great man, Thomas McGowan, whose life journey was, and still is, an inspiration to us all.


Tom on the Couch
Tom on the couch

“This is what the Lord asks of you, only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God” — Micah 6:8


The 4 Brothers
The Four Brothers


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